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Dexter Junior Peters is the Person Listed in the Sabga Report to have Allegedly Molested 40 Boys Before he was "Stopped"...


And when I say stopped, I dont mean he was actually stopped... like with a bu**et...or cutass or hey even arrest! Of course not! This is Trinidad! What I meant to say is, he was quietly transferred by his employer without any fanfare to another facility. He was stopped at that facility. But that doesn't mean his molestation of young vulnerable boys stopped. Sounds familiar? It has a Kinda rapey, Catholic Churchy, kinda nasty stinky feeling to it right?

But I ask you Trinidad and Tobago... Why should this monster be allowed to live in peace and anonymity today? While his victims bear the continual psychological, emotional and yes physical scars of his abuse. Let's make this "alleged" molester famous!!

I will start this blog post by asking the simple question. Why isn't this fucking man in prison...

Dexter Junior Peters, the former supervisor at the St. Martin's Department at the St. Dominic's Children's Home in Belmont. What he is alleged to have done at that home, was exposed in a 1997 report compiled by a task force appointed to looking into conditions at children’s homes in Trinidad and Tobago. read report here

What was done upon the discovery of his abuse complaints is even more shocking. After it was revealed that he buggered 40 boys under his care. Instead of Sister Marina Serette calling the the police to lock his arse up, he was instead given a reprimand by Sister Marina Serette, and then asked to resign with immediate effect. All of his leave etc. was paid to him in full. As is fair... Right?

After his resignation he was given a glowing letter of recommendation and found employment at St Anns Mental Hospital.

Because quite frankly let's admit it Trinidad. Religious figures do not care about the sexual welfare of the wards placed under their care. And it is standard practice for institutions like these to just sweep rape abuse claims under the rug.

Not holding back, the investigative team said, “Given the enormity of his crime, Mr. Peters would, in any other society, be branded a monster of the worst kind, and he would be put away for life.”

Instead he was given a pat on the back and a free pass into the North West Regional Health Authority

If only we all knew all it took to get a secure job at the hospital was to serial bugger children...His abuse of young patients also continued at the St Ann's

But What about the Children?

All of the focus is on the rapist. (He does deserve his time in the spotlight) After his dismissal from St. Dominic's very little or nothing was done to help the staggering amount of children he abused. No counselling, or follow up with the children involved was done. Letters written to staff members by the children requesting help, went unanswered.

This was all done ostensibly to protect the reputation of the home.

Sister Marina Serette

Sister Marina Serette was the HNIC (Head Nun In Charge) at St Dominic's. Lets discuss her culpability in the matter

Raul Glasgow

About the Author

Raul is an ex-Catholic, now Activist Tech and Atheist Blogger. It his his life mission to expose abuses by the Catholic Church.

Share your stories with us.

He hails from the wonderful islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The words expressed are his personal opinions and do not represent the views of GodisAlien.